《Sunday Morning》 劇情簡介
“星期天早上醒過來的時候,可以去那裡呢?心理醫生跟我說,至少離開你的房間,去散個步也好。所以開始去散個步吧!可是可以去那裡呢?我太了解我自己了,到最後我又會走到麥當勞,點一杯法國人說味道像洗襪子水的麥當勞咖啡,然後戴上耳機,翻著過期雜誌,假裝你的孤獨都是自己造成的。” ---《Sunday morning》
-Synopsis -
“After getting up on Sunday morning, where can I go? My psychologist told me, ‘You should at least get out of your room and go for a walk. It will do you some good.’ So I’ll set out for a walk! But where can I go?
I know myself too well. In the end I’ll just go to McDonald’s and order a cup of coffee, the kind French people say tastes like dishwater. Then I’ll put on my headphones, leaf through some out of date magazine, and pretend that your loneliness is all your own fault.”
2003年夏天,一個學生導演想要拍一部叫「SUNDAY MORNING」的網路愛情電影。他單純的以為拍攝完這部電影,他就可以耀威國際影展,在西方世界成名(事實上大部分學生導演都會存有這種想望);但事情好像並沒有想像中那麼順利,開機後他才發現,想要拍一部想像中的那樣的電影竟是那麼的難……
當導演從心理醫生那走出來的時候,他終於明白為什麼他會想要拍一部叫做「SUNDAY MORNING」的電影,原來在他的心裡,他渴望一個那樣的星期天早晨……
He’s a fan of the movies who wants to make his own. But whenever he really starts to put his heart into producing one, he usually ends up producing just two kinds of ending. The best sees him succeed in founding a whole new style of film-making and going down in movie history as an avant-garde or a pioneering trailblazer. And the other? He becomes a chronic sufferer of depression, doomed to live his whole life inside his own decayed and rotting dream.
Sadly, this movie is about the latter.
《Sunday Morning》 劇情簡介
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